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Ghana Association Of Certified Consultants Fraud Examiners: Enhancing the Consulting Industry in Ghana

The Ghana Association of Certified Consultants & Fraud Examiners (GACCFE) is a regulatory professional body and trade association of consulting businesses in Ghana. With the aim of enhancing and improving the consultancy business climate, GACCFE promotes the skill set of its members to the general public, protects the rights of consultants and their businesses, regulates the consulting industry, sets standards for consultants/firms to operate, and assists businesses in improving their sales and profits.

The Need for Regulation in the Consulting Industry

The consulting industry in Ghana is characterized by a large number of smaller consulting organizations and individual consultants, with only a few dozen well-known companies. While these smaller organizations may offer services, they often fail to meet clients’ expectations. Additionally, some of these organizations make false claims about the services they provide, leading to dissatisfaction among clients. To address these issues, there is a need for regulation in the industry and the establishment of standards for all practitioners.

GACCFE, as the only professional body in the country mandated under the Professional Bodies Regulatory Council Decree 1973 NRCD 143 PB N0 64, plays a crucial role in setting and enforcing these standards.

The Organization

GACCFE was founded in Ghana and is recognized by statutory bodies. The association is governed by a management team consisting of the Governing Board, Standards Subcommittee, and Administrative Board. The Executive Director, who reports to the President, works closely with these teams. Additionally, GACCFE employs a professional lobbyist to stay informed about legislative activities and to help achieve desired outcomes.

All GACCFE members pledge in writing to abide by the association’s Code of Ethics. Adherence to this code signifies their commitment to self-discipline beyond legal requirements. Key provisions of the Code include:

  • Safeguarding confidential information
  • Rendering impartial and independent advice
  • Accepting only client engagements they are qualified to perform
  • Agreeing with the client in advance on the basis for professional charges
  • Developing realistic and practical solutions to client problems

Qualifications Awarded

GACCFE awards two main qualifications to its members:

  1. ChCC (Chartered Certified Consultants): This qualification recognizes consultants who have demonstrated expertise and professionalism in their field.
  2. CFE (Chartered Fraud Examiners): This qualification is awarded to professionals who specialize in fraud examination and prevention.

GACCFE’s qualifications ensure that its members possess the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high-quality consulting services to clients.

Contact No: 0207932977

GACCFE is located in James Town, Greater Accra. For more information, please visit their website.