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Top 10 Low Testosterone Symptoms (SERIOUS Signs YOU Need To Watch For!)

When a guy is suffering from low testosterone, one of the first things he might notice is the disappearance of morning erections. Those random erections, it turns out, are not so random. They are a great gauge of your testosterone health because in the morning, you’re naturally producing more testosterone. This testosterone goes to the brain and signals it to produce more nitric oxide, which in turn produces erections. So, in a roundabout way, morning wood is a great indicator that you’re naturally producing the right amount of testosterone.

The next time your testosterone levels are going down, guys, your sex drive might also be decreasing. Your partner may look amazing, even better than she did ten years ago, but you just aren’t as interested anymore. You might think you don’t have time for this because you’re busy with life, but if your sex drive has disappeared, you could have issues with testosterone.

Unexpected Signs of Low Testosterone

Now, the first two warning signs may seem obvious, but this next one is less expected: memory loss. If you’re dealing with memory loss, can’t find your keys, or are forgetting things, you could be suffering from low testosterone. This is based on a 2008 study from Harvard Medical School, which found that healthy exposure to testosterone through your 40s and 50s actually protected brain tissue.

The list of symptoms doesn’t get any rosier. We’re talking about being tired all the time despite getting rest and eating relatively well, being depressed, dealing with hair loss, muscle loss, and even bone loss—yes, we’re talking osteoporosis.

When Does Testosterone Decline?

So, at what age does all this hit? Does your body just go to crap? Well, it doesn’t exactly work like that. Genetics, how you take care of yourself, and your environment all play a role. But generally, at age 30, you start to see a 1% decline in natural testosterone production. For example, I’m 43 years old, so I’m probably at about 87% of what I used to produce at age 30.

Options for Boosting Testosterone


Now, let’s talk about your options. First up, we’ve got supplements. When it comes to supplements, you want to make sure to buy from a company that you trust. Next, look at the ingredients. You want to find what works for you, but in general, look for vitamin D3, zinc, and magnesium. They should clearly list everything that’s in there and how it works with your body to produce more testosterone.

As an option, you should check out Roman’s testosterone supplement. I’ve been talking about Roman for years because they’ve been a great partner and sponsor. I trust this company and love what they’ve got. If you go over to Roman’s website, you’ll see that they transparently formulate their own supplements with quality ingredients and have brought in doctors to ensure their effectiveness. To get started and save $15 off your first order, use the link in the description of today’s video: Again, that’s to get $15 off your first order, plus free two-day shipping.


The next tip to level up your testosterone levels is to change the way you work out. You may be a distance runner, but that’s not great for your testosterone levels. High-intensity training, like CrossFit, can do wonders for your testosterone levels. If that’s not your thing, then hit the weights, but go for shorter reps with more weight. This will help build up your testosterone levels.


Next, start tracking your diet. Notice I didn’t say just look at your diet. A lot of guys think they have a healthy diet, but you need to track and measure what you’re putting into your body. You might be missing magnesium, which is found in spinach and nuts, or zinc, which is found in oysters. There are many foods you might want to add if you have low testosterone, such as garlic, tuna, beans, and egg yolks.

Things to Avoid

Let’s not forget ways you could be sabotaging your testosterone levels. Tupperware, for instance, often contains BPA, which is not good for your testosterone levels. Switch to glass containers. Also, consider cutting back on alcohol, as excessive drinking can negatively affect your testosterone levels. And don’t forget about medications. Talk to your doctor about your low testosterone levels and the side effects of any medications you’re taking.

Protecting Yourself

Lastly, protect yourself from testicular injuries. Even injuries from years ago can lead to low testosterone later. If you’re playing a sport, wear a cup and protect yourself.

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