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Seven Natural Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Levels

Hey, this is Dr. Berry. In this blog post, I want to talk to you about seven ways to naturally increase the testosterone level of a man. At the end, I’m also going to include one bonus tip on how to do this as well. If you’re a man, you want to have your testosterone levels optimized. You want them to be as high as you can get them naturally. Some men even need to use exogenous testosterone that they get from their doctor. Hopefully, if you follow these seven steps and the bonus step at the end, you’ll be able to keep your testosterone in the upper limit of normal and not have to use exogenous testosterone.

Now, if you’re a woman and you have a man who seems fatigued and tired all the time, who’s not getting his honey-do list accomplished, who is laying around on the couch or in the recliner way too much, he may be suffering from low T. If he’s not interested in hobbies that he once was interested in either in the bedroom or out of the bedroom, he may have low T. It’s your job as a woman to figure out a way to strategically yet diplomatically and lovingly share this blog post with him so that he can benefit from optimizing his testosterone, or vitamin T, and you might benefit from it as well. So if you know a guy like that, figure out a way to share this with him without hurting his feelings.

Concepts to Understand

Now, let’s talk about the seven natural ways that you can optimize your testosterone level without having to go to the doctor for testosterone. There are actually three concepts that are going to encompass everything I’m going to talk about in this post:

Concept One: You want your testosterone level to be in the upper limit of normal. You want it to be between 700 and 900, not 100, 150, or 200.

Concept Two: You want your testosterone receptors to be very receptive to testosterone, so it fits easily in the receptor. Some things on this list, if not followed, will make your receptors resistant to testosterone, making it hard for testosterone to fit in properly.

Concept Three: There are things that can make you resistant to testosterone or act as estrogen or be estrogen-like, and a man doesn’t need much estrogen at all or anything that acts estrogen-like in his body.

1. Eat Enough Fat

The testosterone molecule comes from a molecule you may have heard of before called cholesterol. It is the backbone of all sex hormone molecules. Without cholesterol, you can’t make testosterone. So, stop being afraid of fat. If you’re a vegan, perhaps reconsider that. You have to eat fats, you have to eat cholesterol, and you have to eat good animal fats in order to optimize your testosterone. When you eat enough fat, you’re going to produce cholesterol. Your body does make cholesterol every day, but if you can help it along by eating a little extra cholesterol, you can actually bump up your testosterone level a little bit with this tip.

2. Reduce Sugar, Starch, and Simple Carbohydrates

When you eat sugar, starches, or simple carbohydrates, it elevates your insulin level, which shoots up. When your insulin level is up, that’s going to decrease your testosterone level. Sitting around eating Skittles, M&Ms, or gummy bears is not very manly for more reasons than one. They’ll lower your testosterone.

3. Decrease Stress

You have to decrease the bad stress in your life. If you’re working two jobs that you hate, if you’re working a shift job you hate, or if you’re in a relationship you hate, you have to get rid of those things in your life that cause chronic stress. Chronic stress raises your cortisol level, which lowers your testosterone level and makes it harder for testosterone to fit in the receptor.

4. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

You want to emulate your caveman grandparents from 10,000, 20,000, or 30,000 years ago. Lift heavy every now and then, run as fast as you can every now and then. Search YouTube for high-intensity interval training or HIIT to find videos that you can watch. You don’t have to join a gym. You can get up off the couch, go outside, and do high-intensity interval training. This will raise your testosterone level and elevate your HGH (human growth hormone) level. You can go outside and do a hundred jumping jacks, run four or five 40-yard sprints, or lift some heavy weights while being careful with your mechanics.

5. Take Supplements

The first supplement is zinc. Men need somewhere between 25 and 50 milligrams a day, which you can get from the foods you eat or a supplement. Zinc helps push anything that bleeds over into the estrogen pathway back into the testosterone pathway. The next supplement is magnesium. Enough magnesium will raise your testosterone level a little bit. The third supplement is vitamin D. Go out in the sun and get some vitamin D, or take a good quality vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D is a prohormone or a prehormone that helps all your sex hormones and other hormones to form, increasing your testosterone level if your vitamin D level is optimized.

6. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting for 18 to 20 hours a day increases both your testosterone and HGH levels. The 18-hour or 20-hour fast every day is called the warrior diet because it helps make you a better warrior by raising your testosterone and HGH.

7. Lose Some Weight

If you’re overweight, the adipose tissue on your body, especially inside your belly, not only lowers your testosterone level but also acts like estrogen. This is very estrogen-like in the way it affects the human male body.

Bonus Tip: Get Rid of Xenoestrogens

Get xenoestrogens out of your life. Xenoestrogens are found in plastics. Don’t drink or eat anything that is in plastic if it’s hot. Don’t heat up your coffee in styrofoam or a plastic cup. Don’t put your soup in a plastic bowl and microwave it. Men should eat and drink out of glass, stainless steel, or ceramic. Never eat or drink anything hot or even warm out of plastic because it acts like estrogen in your body. High estrogen has the same effects as low testosterone.

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